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Welcome to #UpliftAtHome. The Uplift team is here to provide families and children with resources and activities designed to bring calm that can be completed from your home.

Philly HopeLine - Horizontal
Together, we can stay connected.

Do you or your loved ones feel lonely, stressed, sad, angry, or confused? Do you miss your friends and routines?

The Philly HopeLine is a program of the Uplift Center for Grieving Children. It is a free and confidential helpline for grief and emotional support staffed by our Master’s degree-level clinicans. The Philly HopeLine is open to all youth and caregivers in the Philadelphia region.

Uplift’s clinicians, including staff who self-identify as Spanish speakers or LGBTQIA+, are available throughout the year. Uplift’s Philly HopeLine also includes an interpretation service for over 100 languages.

Resource Library

Helping Children with Traumatic Separation or Traumatic Grief Related to COVID-19
Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet For Parents
Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School and College Age
How to talk to children about death during a global pandemic
Respondiendo al cambio y pérdida: para el apoyo de niños, adolescentes, y familias
Social Stories: Coronavirus
and Hand washing
Social Stories:
Social Distancing
and Social Isolation
The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby: Coronavirus
Philadelphia Schools Providing Free Meals To Students
Supporting Children And Yourself During COVID-19
Responding To Change And Loss: A Free Workbook
Helping Families Cope With The Coronavirus Disease 2019
Talking To Children About COVD-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
Taking Care Of Your Mental Health In The Face Of Uncertainty


Uplift At Home

Our Uplift At Home video series showcases activities designed to bring calm to children and their caregivers.

Featuring book readings in English and Spanish, craft activities, and guided mindfulness exercises, this free series is suitable for viewers of all ages.

Support For The Helpers

Support For The Helpers is a webinar series for caregivers, clinicians, educators, community leaders, and others navigating the collective grief and trauma

brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Led by Katherine Streit, Uplift’s Training Coordinator, all sessions are close-captioned and include resource guides.