Support For The Helpers:

Moving Through Our Collective Grief & Trauma Experiences
During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic has turned our world upside down. None of this is easy for any of us. This isn’t hard because we’re doing it wrong – this is hard because this is too much. Of course we’re struggling. None of this is normal! 

If you’re reading this, we probably have something in common – we’re helpers. We’re primary and secondary caregivers. We’re clinicians, we’re case managers, we’re social workers and counselors and therapists. We’re educators or school leaders, school clinicians and climate staff. We’re community leaders, block captains, faith leaders, and neighborhood presidents. We’re healing guides, space holders, circle keepers, and providers of all kinds. 

Everyone and everything around us are impacted and reaching out for help. And most likely, they’re reaching out to you. The list of people you support, personally and professionally, has likely grown in length, in need, or both. 

For helpers, this pandemic isn’t just about our own stress and fear. It’s also about the many people we support who rely on us to be steady, calming, and nurturing. This can be an overwhelming time for helpers, because now more than ever, we wish we could fix the problems so many of our people are facing. But there’s a reason we’re not able to – we can’t fix grief, and that’s exactly what all of this is. 

We were never meant to grieve alone, and so let’s move through this journey together through a series of video trainings for all helpers, in Philadelphia and beyond. Walk with us as we put this pandemic (and its implications) into the lens and framework of what it truly is – collective grief and trauma. 

Each video is 45 minutes or less, and all are captioned to be accessible for those who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, those who cannot use volume, or for those of us whose brains on trauma need a visual. (If captions do not appear on the video, click the “CC” in the bottom right corner of the video to toggle the captions on.) Each video is accompanied by a respective Resource Guide, detailing sources and places to further explore the topic (almost all resources included are free and available online).  

We can’t undo this pandemic by helping harder. But what we can do is tell the truth. And right now, that truth is grief.Let’s face it together. 

In solidarity & with gratitude,
The Uplift Team 


Session #1: “Of Course We’re Struggling
None of This is Normal!”

Download Accompanying Resources:

Session 1 Resource Document

Seven Things A Grieving Person
Needs To Know

Session #2: “Taking Care of Ourselves When The Rest of the World Expects Us To Take Care of Them”

Download Accompanying Resources

Session 2 Resource Document

Making A Self-Care Plan

Self-Care Wheel

Taking Care Of Yourself Checklist

Session #3: “Losing Normalcy and Missing Milestones - Having to Do the Opposite of What Grief Needs”

Download Accompanying Resources

Session 3 Resource Document

Session #4: "Grief Looks Different Now: Creating New Rituals After a Death During the Pandemic"

Download Accompanying Resources

Session 4 Resource Document

Upcoming Videos in the "Support For The Helpers" Series

Session #5: 
Continuing Your Own Personal Grief/Trauma Journey During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Session #6: 
Supporting Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stand-Alone Video Trainings for Targeted Audiences:

For Educators:
Trauma-Informed Virtual Teaching:
Embracing ‘Pandemic Pedagogy’
(coming soon)

For Clinical Supervisors:
Embracing Grief Work in Trauma-Informed Supervision During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(coming soon)

We’d love to hear from you!
With questions, for more information, or to request a live (virtual) training, please contact:

Katherine Streit, MSW, LSW, M.S.Ed
Training Coordinator
267-437-3123 x 1001